Hair Reduction Treatments
Using the brand new Biocare-Lite machine by Skyncare.
Skyncare Hair Reduction
Smooth & silky skin has never been this easy!
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a non-laser system capable of producing an intense beam of light of varied wavelengths. The pulse duration, the length of time the light beam is active, varies from a billionth of a second to many minutes, depending on the treatment.
Unlike traditional methods of hair removal, the Skyncare Biocare-lite treatments are very effective at denaturing hair follicles. Once the follicle stops producing hair, no more hair will be left to remove. Studies have shown that by using the Skyncare treatment, it is possible to remove hair permanently; furthermore, up to 80% reduction in hair growth post-treatment is achievable.
Integrated Active Skin Cooling system for superior comfort
The Biocare-lite treatment handpiece is integrated with advanced active skin cooling technology, which is designed to operate at ice-cold temperatures to keep the skin cool while the hair follicles are destroyed.
Optimising client comfort without compromising on great results.
Treatment Areas
Armpits - 15 min
Arms (upper) - 30 min
Arms (whole) - 40 min
Back - 60 min
Back and shoulders - 80 min
Bikini line - 30 min
Bikini line extended - 40 min
Brazilian - 40 min
Cheeks - 20 min
Chest - 45 min
Eyebrows (between only) - 10 min
Feet and toes - 25 min
Fingers - 15 min
Hands - 15 min
Hands and fingers - 20 min
Lower legs - 60 min
Male Beard (inc neck) - 30 min
Naval & pubis line - 15 min
Neck - 20 min
Nipples - 15 min
Shoulders - 25 min
Thighs - 60 min
Upper lip and chin - 15 min
Upper lip or chin - 10 min
Whole legs - 90 min
A course of 6 treatments is recommended for the best results. Some areas may require further treatments depending on hair colour, texture and skin type and further treatments may be discounted appropriately.
IMPORTANT: A consultation and IPL patch test is required at least 24 hours before a procedure can take place
Frequently Asked Questions
+ How does IPL work?
The Skyncare Biocare-lite Hair reduction system produces a high-density flash of filtered light which is absorbed by the melanin pigment in the hair. This is converted to heat which in turn destroys the cells and proteins in the hair follicle, making them incapable of producing further bait growth.
+ What skin types can IPL treat?
The Skyncare biocare-lite system is suitable for any skin colour and hair types, although white hair has no melanin and therefore cannot be efficiently treated.
+ Does it hurt?
The pain from each pulse of light is moderate and easily acceptable (as if a hairbrush has been tapped against the skin) without any pain relief.
+ Why do hairs "grow" after treatment?
The heat kills the hair roots, but the hairs remain in the skin. They will fall out after 1-3 weeks.
+ Are there any side effects?
Side effects are very rare! These, however, arc no more than redness as from excessive sun exposure of-which will subside within hours to a few days.
+ How many treatments are necessary?
Only hairs in the anagen (growth) phase can be treated. For most clients, this means 6-8 treatments are sufficient to clear the area of hair, although some may need further treatments.
+ How do I prepare for treatments?
Avoid tanning one month before and immediately after treatment, using an SPF of 25 or more in between treatments.
+ How long does it take?
Facial treatments usually take 10 minutes, whereas both legs an entire back take approximately an hour.
+ Is it Permanent?
YES! A recent study showed that the percentage reduction in hairs after treatment using IPL systems are well above 80%.
+ Will I need to come back for further treatments in the future?
It's not unusual for a few hairs to 'come back' as explained in your consultation, dormant hair can be beneath the skin for up to 10 years, and an annual 'top-up will ensure they are kept at bay.

Ready for a new you?
Schedule your IPL Hair Reduction appointment using the ‘Book Now’ button bottom right